
With the complexity of today’s advertising industry, actively managing your marketing resources and relationships is a must. Identifying what you need, who you need and how you measure success is the only way to protect your advertising investments and agency relationships.

Pile and Company can help.

Agency Search

Unbiased, third-party management of agency reviews of all types—creative, digital, media and more.

Performance Evaluation

Biannual assessment of the agency relationship and investment to ensure the highest level of performance.

Agency Compensation

Expertise in the economics and management of client-agency financial structures and contracts.

Model Assessment

Audit of current agency resources and organizational structure to determine the right agency model.

Additional Services +

Media Management

Media counsel to establish transparency, measurement and the fair, appropriate investment of media dollars.

Creative Brief Training

Customized training for clients on creative briefings and delivering feedback.

Organizational Consulting

Examination of marketing organizations’ tools and talent to improve company and individual performance.